"SOS4LOVE PROJECT 2020" Teacher : Mrs. Diana Herawati, S.Pd Name : Safilda Amalia Eka Syahrien Class : MIPA 7'18 No : 25 Week 1 "Photo with astronaut" SDG's number 3: Good Health and Well-being Message in a bubble: Put on a mask and keep your distance to end Covid-19. I chose point number 3 because in my opinion there are still many cases of people going out in the crowd not using masks and keeping their distance. This happened because many people underestimated Covid-19 without thinking about the consequences. My goal is to enforce the rules to keep wearing masks and keep your distance between people. So that Covid-19 will quickly subside and return to normal activities before . Week 2 My motto: Health is more expensive than wealth In the sos4love project, I share the motto that health is more expensive than wealth. Better to prevent than cure. During this pandemic, we must not underestimate our health and immunity. eat nutritious food and full of vitamins...